Sunday, June 12, 2011

Service not "serve us"

Rick Warren reminded me of a very important lesson about service while reading my book “Purpose Driven Life” today.  I have been reading this book very slowly for quite a while now. I sometimes forget but am trying to rededicate myself to books that can actually teach me lessons. I am on a chapter about being created to serve God. I never forget to love God but, I am also getting so much more from him than I give. One thing that really helped me in my transformation, was serving Eastlake.  In the chapter, it speaks of being created to serve in God’s family and showing everyone God’s love.  In the book, Mr. Warren says that we have a mentality at certain churches that its “serve us” rather than service.

I think that is such a true statement about the world in general. There have been so many times in my life that I have just waited for someone to do something for me, to make something happen without me actually lifting a finger. So many times in my life I have just watched people finish what I start or allow people to completely organize things altogether. 

What I have gotten from Eastlake is not repayable but, I can always do my best to be flexible and fit in to help with the churches needs. When I serve, I serve with a very happy heart, I take on many tasks because that’s how I function. I feel like I am needed when I am serving and I have met countless people just from serving the church. So, To my leaders who worry about me taking on too much, here is my honest truth, I will tell you if its too much, for now, I am doing EXACTLY what I love!!!!

On another note, Summer groups started THIS WEEK. I have heard that most peoples groups are going well! I am so happy to hear that. One thing that makes me even happier is that most people say they have a lot of "newbies" in their group! That rocks, I can only hope that in my large group that God can rock some worlds! I cannot wait to see how everyone's groups pan out! 

My baby brother is flying to Massachusetts tuesday to be a Camp Counselor at my beloved fat camp "Camp Kingsmont" I cannot believe how old he has gotten! I am in shock that he is going to be in college THIS YEAR, he has grown so fast! I wonder what our lovely mother will do once we are both moved out......Anywho, I wish him an incredible and growing summer because afterall, he is a big boy now! 

Also, This week for those of you that didn't know, I started at a new job. I am working at a Dillons store in Topeka in Customer Service, so far so good there. I am happy to start a new and more challenging job for Dillons but, I do miss some things about store 70. Sorry for those I didn't tell that you wouldn't be seeing me in the lawrence store anymore, I will miss you. 

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