Monday, February 14, 2011

Better late than NEVER

This past year has marked many firsts for me…I had my first love, lived by myself for the first time, had my heart broken for the first time, fell in love with God for the first time, and for the first time in my whole entire life, I had the feeling that I could do things on my own (well, with God of course). I spent almost my whole year (2010) pursuing, being in, or mourning the loss of my relationship. My friendships, like my weight, have fluctuated, they have been up, down, wonderful, lacking, surprising, but, as the year closed both my weight and most of my friendships are almost exactly the same as this time last year (some better, some worse). My strength has grown leaps and bounds throughout the year…I often find myself doing things now that I would have never been brave enough to do and, this is ONLY because of GOD.

In April, I began attending Eastlake (just to appease the now Ex) from my first attendance I noticed that there was something so special going on there. At first, I didn’t get an immediate connection with Christ but, I did feel that the people were great so I kept going back. In the beginning, it was like Eastlake was my job….I had to force myself awake every Sunday after long Saturday night, I often missed Church. But, I kept attending sparingly. During the summer I began my real prayer life. At first my ex had to soy our prayers aloud before bed eventually though, I felt comfortable enough to lead our prayers. When I started letting God into my thought life (like pastor Matt suggested) I began to notice myself changing. “Absolutes” that I had previously melted away because with God they didn’t matter, I completely changed who I was and looking back even after losing myself in my relationship I found myself in Christ. In September, I was saved! My life felt completely new and filled up with love. I felt strong enough to do anything but, only with God. Around the same time, I started in a church Growth Group, which, is one of my BEST decisions to date. Every Monday I met with a loving and diverse group of women. Everyone came and shared their hearts and truths. I had told people before my group began that I didn’t feel comfortable sharing with a random group of “church women” but, from the first meeting in felt completely comfortable and loved and all of those fears faded.

The next few months were seemingly smooth and happy (for the most part). But, the water finally boiled over on my 8 or 10-month relationship in November. Since then, I have learned so much. Ive learned how awesome God is and he had prepared me to be alone by surrounding me with the MOST loving, supportive, and fun friends and family. One day after my relationship ended, I asked God what to do, and it was so clear…throw yourself into your church. I began volunteering at Eastlake, was baptized, and became a member!  I couldn’t be happier or more thankful for what God has created for me even through the devils awful destruction. Ive had the opportunity to have my friends come to Eastlake and sit next to me and just praise and love God for all that we have! Ive met so many INCREDIBLE people through Eastlake and I Cannot wait for another year with my Eastlake family!

As the year closed, and 2011 began the Beaudoin’s surprised me with a trip to Kansas. Spending time with some old friends is really what I needed because I felt truly happy! I feel unstoppable, I am just so in love with God and everything he has surrounded me with. However, I still do have goals to improve myself by 2012 and I’m going to share them with the few people that may actually be reading this…..

1.Limit Gossip
2. Get Coffee (Starbucks, Scooters, Etc.) only once a week
3. Use my planner
4. Work 25 hours a week
5. Limit bad language
6. Make a budget and follow it
7. Talk to God more often
8. Read the Bible
9. Work out 3 times a week
10. Only eat out 4 times a month
11. Find another volunteer position
12. Spend only 7 non-school related hours on the internet a week
13. Stop thinking what-if and wondering what people whose life I am uninvolved with are doing.

WOW, that’s a lot. Good thing I have 11 months!

I do want to explain my blog name….the phrase “Hail Mary and Whatev” came from a Catholic girl I met my first year at KU. Looking back I really respect this girl and when something bad would happen to her, she would say “Hail Mary and Whatev” instead of getting upset or doing mean things. So, that’s how I’m trying to live my life for now, moving on from the bad, not dwelling, only taking in the good.

A few Shameless plugs….
Here is a link to my awesome Church, I am there every Sunday. It is a safe place to check out God and there are tons of great people

Also, for all you Lawrence Single ladies…I am leading a group with a wonderful Eastlake friend, it meets on Tuesdays at 7pm, feel free to join! Group sign-ups are going on for a few more weeks and our first meeting is March 1st, ours is Tuesdays 02

Thanks for reading, have a faboosh week :)

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